随着人类生活质素的不断提高,人类的贪念也越来越大,人类经常过分地捕杀动物从而破坏了自然环境。 就拿我最近看的电影《冰河世纪》来说吧,这里面讲述了长毛象—曼尼的爸爸妈妈被人类给捕杀后,曼尼离开了同类而过着孤独的生活。后来,曼尼在往北的路途中为树敕—希德解散决了困难,于是,希德为了让曼尼继续保护自己便和曼尼一同前往北方。同时,一群剑齿虎为了报复人类捕杀了它们的同类,剑齿虎群便派了剑齿虎—迭弋去抓猎人的儿子,为了让迭弋更好地完成任务,其它的剑齿虎便引开了猎人。小孩的妈妈发现迭弋的企图后便连忙抱着孩子逃跑。可是,迭弋穷追不舍,眼看就要被抓到了,小孩的妈妈冒着生命的危险跳下了瀑布随着河流意外地漂到了长毛象— 曼尼和树敕—希德的面前,小孩的妈妈奋力把小孩放到岸上后因体力不支沉河里去。曼尼和希德商量后决定带着小孩去寻找人类把小孩还给他们。这一切被藏在暗地里的迭弋看见了,于是它向曼尼和希德推荐自己当它们的向导。曼尼正为不知人类在哪便而烦脑,因此一口便答应了迭弋的请求。一路上,它们遇到了很多的危险。有一次,迭弋差点被岩浆吞没,而曼尼不顾生命危险拯救了迭弋,迭弋被感动了,最后和曼尼
虽然这部电影有很多情节非常地惹人发笑,可是有些地方却值得我们去深思。比如说,毛象都是过着群体生活的,可是电影中的毛象—曼尼却独自生活,这是为什么呢?就是因为人类的贪念把曼尼的爸爸妈妈给捕杀了从 ……此处隐藏1774个字…… are stunning and if you forgive the obvious historical loophole (there were no dinosaurs during the ice age) you can actually have quite a good time. the dinosaurs add a lot to the plot, and there's actually a very cool, nice sense of adventure throughout the film, one that was somewhat missing (in my
opinion) from the previous installment. all this adds to a fun and thrilling experience - alongside the visuals, jokes and general good atmosphere.
the person who didn't laugh - go on ebay and find a sense of humor - the whole cinema was laughing through out the film and i really enjoyed the jokes - yes you saw most of them coming but hey its a kids cartoon. the story is easy to follow and every kid i have spoken to loves it