
时间:2023-06-25 09:41:24


application for russesu scholarship

my name is zhao ruoyu. i come from uibe(university of international business and economics) as an exchange student. i hope to apply for the russesu scholarship.

firstly, i would like to make a brief introduction of my study of japan and the japanese language.

speak of my major, you may be surprised because i major in interpreting between chinese and korean. you may wonder why i learned japanese all by myself for that was absolutely not easy work. that is because i was totally attracted by japanese culture and society,especially their eating habits which reflects wisdom and attitudes tow ……此处隐藏1595个字……m the past five years (especially those relevant to the application) of project participants (as a minimum, of the project leaders); the ten most important should be highlighted (bold)

the project description must include an explanation of the division of work (working plan) between the partners from the two countries. furthermore, the added value of the transnational co-operation should be explained. the narrative text must also include a financial plan indicating the costs applied for at nsfc and fwf as well as the cost categories (please consult the respective application guidelines for eligible costs).

1 the publication list must mention for each work:all authors; full title; series/journal title; year; and page numbers.

